Monday 10 September 2012

Breaking my fast

.... No I haven't given up on the IF diet, I'm referring to the first meal of the day for the majority of  us..... Breakfast.   Breakfast literally means 'breaking the fast' and it is something I have never skipped and always looked forward to.  I love my porridge or muesli and couldn't imagine starting the day without it....... Until now.!!!

I've read a number of blogs and articles which challenge my long held belief that eating breakfast is essential to the start of my day, particularly as I cycle to work.  I've also believed the view that eating breakfast helps to maintain a steady metabolism and assists in efforts to lose weight.   The old maxims of "Breakfast like a king...." and "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" all help to entrench this view.

However, the more I look into it, the more fascinated I am to try going without my beloved porridge just to give it a whirl and see if there is any truth in what some folks are saying......,

The body spends the night and early morning detoxifying from the excesses of the day before.... In particular the evening meal.  The body is at its most energy efficient once the digestive process has taken place and the stomach is empty, and it then turns to burning fat.  It takes energy for the body to process and digest food so if you go to the gym or cycle or do any form of exercise in the morning, you are better off waiting until after your workout before eating anything.   All of your energy will then be spent on your workout rather than sharing it with the digestive process.

As hunter gatherers we would not have eaten breakfast but would have gone out to hunt on an empty stomach, using all our energy in the pursuit of prey rather than digesting rice krispies!!

Eating breakfast triggers a response which causes sleepiness, lack of concentration, fat storage and lowers resilience to stress.  This is why people often suffer crashes through the day and difficulty concentrating in meetings etc.

Also, 20 - 30 minutes after waking is the time at which the body's cortisol levels are at their peak.... Just around breakfast time.   Cortisol (the stress hormone) increases the level of insulin released by the pancreas.  When we eat breakfast, further insulin is released to balance the glucose intake.  This insulin spike leads to feelings of hunger within a short period following breakfast.  Often people then compensate for that with a mid morning snack.....for me that was usually a banana (an additional 100 calories)
So, the upshot is, I'm going to try going without breakfast this week to see whether my energy levels improve during the day.   I've never done it before and can honestly say I'm not looking forward to it at all but am always willing to give things a try.  The proof is in the pudding.... Pardon the pun!!

This is a voyage into the unknown....Wish me luck!!

Nutrition tip of the day

Edamame (soya beans) are a truly wonderful and delicious vegetable which can be eaten as part of a meal.... Boiled, steamed, stir fried or eaten cold in salad or just as a healthy snack.  Packed with nutritional value, they are a good source of antioxidants, strengthening the immune system and reducing cancer risk.  They also contain isoflavones, which help to ward off prostate and breast cancer and reduce blood pressure.   They are good source of protein, so popular with vegetarians too,  but very low in fat and contain no cholesterol.
They are a good source of vitamin B and C and one of the few natural sources of vitamin E.  They also contain vitamin K (good for heart health) and folic acid, essential to healthy foetal development.
They're a great source of fibre and have anti-inflammatory properties which can help with arthritis, asthma and eczema.

So basically, they're a top super food!!!

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